set tempv0= "set videoName = " & QUOTE & "LEROUX"& QUOTE & RETURN & "go movie "& QUOTE & "TOURS" & QUOTE set HyperTextList = [] set VideoList = [ #81:tempv0] @ DIEPPE FRESH COD Put the pieces of cod into a long cooker, dust with the powdered court-bouillon, cover with a lot of water, cover. Bring to the boil, keep simmering for about 5 minutes. Turn off the heat. Leave waiting. Scrape and wash the mussels, put them into a large saucepan, add 1 glass of water, pepper. Boil over a high heat till open. Drain the mussels, shell them, sieve and keep the cooking juice. In a saucepan, make a roux with the butter and the flour, cook for a moment, moisten with the mussels cooking water, the milk and the cream. Cook for about 5 minutes. Add the mussels and the lemon juice to this sauce. Take the fish out of its court-bouillon, drain, discard the skin. Arrange the cod on a long dish, coat with the sauce and sprinkle with chopped parsley. @ 3 lbs fresh cod 3 pints mussels 2 1/2 tbsp butter 2 tbsp flour 1 cup milk 1 cup cream 1 lemon 1 packet powdered court-bouillon 1 bunch parsley pepper @ 30 mn @ 15 mn @ Sieve the mussels cooking water through a linen several times to remove the sand completely. @ Normandy @ Fish @ @ Sauvignon @